For too long, many people have been unwilling to bridge the gap
between how aerobic athletes and strength athletes train. It is as
though they are on different sides of the training fence and anyone who
suggests that there should be similarities in the way these two groups
train is considered an outcast. But recently, research shows that things
have started to change; at least in terms of what an aerobic athlete
can gain from training like a strength athlete. There are so many
obvious benefits, that we now know it is not wise for an aerobic athlete
to hold onto the notion that strength training isn’t useful for their
Here are some of the benefits of strength training for aerobic athletes:
Strength training will help avoid injuries
There is a popular saying that if you repeat one movement too often,
you’re going to sustain an injury in the overworked area. This is true
because, while the body can adapt to becoming very good at the one
thing, it starts to become very poor at the things that are not being
tended to. Long distance runners, for example, tend to end up with bad
knees. Some believe that this is because of the impact running causes to
the leg and hip joints. But this isn’t necessarily the case, because
the body eventually adapts to the impact sustained. The actual reason
why the knees end up hurting is because the work of running results in
an imbalance in the muscles of the upper leg. Distance running doesn’t
require a lot of hamstring strength and as a consequence, the hamstrings
do not develop well enough to hold the knee in a safe manner. This lack
of development decreases the structural strength of the knee and
therefore increases the risk of injury.
Strength training will help to eliminate pain caused by muscle imbalances
Many cyclists suffer from knee pain because their IT bands are
extremely tight which causes their knee caps to track incorrectly during
peddling. (IT Bands – iliotibial – are a tough group of fibres that run
along the outside of the thigh. They function primarily as
stabilizers.) This IT Band pain can be avoided if the muscles that pull
the knee cap in the other direction are strong enough to hold the knee
cap in line. Strength training is the only way to correct this weakness
and allow for pain-free riding.
Because strength training improves the body overall, aerobic exercise will seem easier
In almost all sports, performance improves if the athlete is able to
generate more relative force from their muscles. The easiest way to
increase relative force is to get rid of extra body fat and increase
muscle mass. Contrary to popular belief, strength training is much more
effective at reducing body fat than performing aerobic exercise. In
fact, there is growing evidence that aerobic exercise stops being an
effective method for fat loss after about 8 weeks as the body adapts to
the demands of the movement. Once this happens, fat loss tapers off and
the body stays the same. More often than not, if food intake is not
reduced to adjust for this decrease in calorie-burn fat will begin to
accumulate and the athlete will be LESS powerful.
Strength training will help make the muscles more powerful, thus increasing relative strength
Making the muscles stronger will boost relative strength. From a
practical stand point, a muscle that produces more force will propel an
athlete further with each movement when compared to muscle that is
weaker. Imagine an athlete who is able to add an inch to stride length
because of strength training. Given that stride rate tends to remain
stable over the course of a 24 mile marathon, that extra inch is going
to mean fewer strides are needed to complete the run, so a runners time
will decrease by a significant amount. Even if the stride length only
increases by 1 cm, the improvement is going to be dramatic.
Strength training will make the body more efficient at recruiting muscle fibres
The nervous system adapts to the needs of strength training and it
becomes more efficient at recruiting more muscle fibres. This improved
coordination of firing will result in a further increase in force
production. This is different from increasing the strength of the muscle
in that a weaker muscle can produce the same amount of force as a
stronger muscle if more muscle fibres are recruited, but the outcome is
improved stride length and increased force production.
The diet of strength training athletes is very close to the ideal diet for aerobic athletes
Contrary to popular belief, aerobic athletes do not need to consume
massive amounts of carbohydrate. However, it must be said, that they
need more carbs than the average under-active person. They should take
in similar amounts of protein and good fat as the strength training
athlete consumes. The type of carbohydrate consumed should include
slowly digested carbohydrates, like oatmeal or sweet potatoes, as well
as carbohydrates that are immediately available for energy, quickly
digested carbohydrates such as Gatorade, dextrose, maltodextrin, etc… at
the time of greatest physical exertion. This is exactly the same way
strength training athletes eat. It ensures they get enough energy to
fuel their workout and enough protein and fat for body repair.