No summer has seen me move through so many emotions, thoughts,
and states of mind as quickly as this one. The last 12 months have been a
blur, but the mental outcome of all of these experiences has come to
light over the last couple of months and particularly since the middle
of June. The pace of change has been dramatic, particularly when paired
with the relative stability of the preceding 4 years and I’ve come to
accept this as the natural evolution of my of thought – intense
immersion and then time to assimilate the information and create a new
world view or state of mind that includes the new information. All of
this done to ensure that my internal understanding of my universe match
the external one as closely as possible.
Why was this summer so different from any of the previous ones?
Mid way through, around the beginning of July, it became evident that
many of my thoughts, actions and dreams were unworkable because they
hadn’t come from me. Yes, they were my thoughts, actions and dreams, but
only because I decided to make them my thoughts, actions and dreams –
they did not represent what I NEEDED in order to be happy. They
represent what I thought would make me happy. When it came to
relationships, I would see the “happily ever after” couples in fairy
tails and movies and normalize them; unconsciously normalizing the
relationships of every couple I’d see, creating an “ideal relationship”
goal that I would eventually set out finding or creating. I created my
future relationships BEFORE I ever had a relationship and had moved
forward doing this for more than 20 years. In July it became obvious
that the model I had created was not workable for me or the girls that I
attract or was attracted to. That had to stop immediately.
The other thing that happened was that I saw myself as the author of
my life and then mentally filtered out the contribution others played
for me finding my place in life. In late March to early July I still
felt that I like I had been subjected to some stuff that I hadn’t been
responsible for. I was stuck in the victim mindset and did believe that
others had power to do stuff to me. Sharon didn’t see it this way and
was very good at directing my mind to the fact that each of us drive our
own body and allow in whatever information we choose. If we do
something, we’re deciding to do it. She was never uncaring about it, but
she let me know it didn’t work for her and that, while it was my own
journey, maybe it shouldn’t work for me either. Regardless, she knew I
needed to figure some stuff out and was good enough to free-up my
future. It hurt like crazy because I knew I was walking into a dark room
of the unknown, alone. The alone was the thing that burned more than
anything else, and that started to make me think, a lot. Why was I so
afraid to be alone and how could that fear manifest itself within my
These kinds of unknowns mess my mind up so I ran into the room full
speed and ended up hitting the wall on the other side. That was good. My
face hurt and my head was ringing, but the answer was there right in
front of me and hadn’t been too far away. It was actually related to the
antiquated relationship goals that I had been pursuing. I feared being
alone because that would mean I wasn’t in a relationship and therefore I
was not complete. It created a nice co-dependence for me in that my
self-esteem would come from the relationship and therefore from another
person. Given my victim mindset that I was choosing to indulge, it was
easy to view others has having done something to me. It they wanted
space, as is completely normal and healthy for fully functioning adults,
I would interpret this as a withdrawal, which would trigger the fear of
being alone, which would fuel actions geared at bringing those things
back on-line. If it didn’t restore things, I became the victim.
It’s chilling to read and think that. It’s nasty to realize that this
was how I was. But I get it very clearly now. I was trying to live
someone elses dreams (the antiquated stuff I got from childhood) and my
threshold for feeling victimized was very low. These things do not work
for me, they never did and now I’m putting them to rest.
The last 6 weeks have been 6 of the more interesting of my life
because I’ve given-up on having the wife, the children, the house, the
whatever it was I was seeking before. These things may be part of my
future but only if my OWN life is in order. A career will be of a lot
more long term value to me than anything else. With a good career, I’ll
have the time (money) to do what I like to do, whatever that ends up
These weeks have been amazing because I haven’t been victimized since
I realized that I had been playing the role of victim. People have done
stuff, and I’ve learned lessons from these things, but I’ve stopped
being victim simply because I never was a victim. I can change my
thoughts, environment and actions at will. That has been the shift over
the last little while. None of my previous girl friends ever did
anything to me that would make me a victim. If ever I was victimized by
them it was simply because I made the choice to be victim. None of these
girls ever hit me. We said stuff to each other that wasn’t very nice
but we didn’t set out to destroy each other. We wanted what we wanted
and I realize that them wanting something different than what I wanted
didn’t mean we were trying to hurt each other. It means they were
trying, like I was, to get the best life possible.
What that means now is the decision to create a wonderful and
beautiful life for myself. I’ve seen how the need to be in a
relationship and my victim mindset were holding me back, effectively
remaining in the past. Since I don’t want that as my future, I need to
bring the past into the present. This means that I need to redefine my
history with me NOT being victim and instead acting as the
self-interested author of my life. That is how most other people act,
with their best interests in mind and rarely with malice. Others
subversive intentions are not important once you make the decision to
see YOU as the only real villain in your life.
We become powerful and gain control through the realization that the
most damaging person in our lives is us when we are not willing to see
the truth. I saw the truth this summer and took the time to recreate a
purpose that will make me feel fantastic and live a joyful and
passionate life free from self-victimization and blaming others for my
place in life.